My old neighborhood had a significant amount of college students, and you could tell the brand spankin new freshman from the seniors, juniors, and even the sophmores. The freshman girls always showed skin, wore heels to class and other functions, etc.. By the mid and end of their freshman year though, they were wearing oversized sweats, showing up to class in pajamas, sneakers, etc.. They just stopped giving a darn about being cute.
I must be getting older, reaching Sir82's age, because I don't even notice the young girls anymore. Even when I do it's because I'm aghast at just how slutty one might look. I work in an office setting, and personally, the more a woman has on, the more I become intrigued. Black or grey business suits, with heels...OMG. Sometimes I think the Watchtower made the policy to prohibit pant suits for sisters because of perverts like me. At times I like when professional women do the skirt thing if it's done conservatively and professionally. Woman on the escalator this morning, had on a black past the knee by a couple inches skirt, those real dark black stockings that leave no hint of skin, black heeled shoes about three inches, black coat, purse over her shoulder, etc.. Reminded me of Kim Delaney in her prime when she was on NYPD Blue. No joke!!!!!!!!! Girl was serious!!!! Had me feeling like Jimmy Smitts!!!